20mm Table Saw Arbor
In the last year I’ve added some wood working capability to the shop. Have a very small area, I ended going with Inca tools and have their table saw, bandsaw and jointer planer.
They are small, but Swiss made so of good quality.
A challenge is that the arbor is 20mm which (at 10″ dia) are impossible to find in Canada so I figured I’d buy some good quality blades and bore them out
Freud rant: I need the other Freud, Sigmund
First annoyance is Freud has it seems two lines of blades, “Diablo” and “Industrial”. No doubt the distinction and the brilliantly creative names are of grand importance to the marketing people at Frued, but to me the consumer, its just a cheesy time wasting annoyance. Who has the time to translated their secret codes? Grrrr.
After much digging, it turns out “Diablo” is the consumer grade blade with the main distinction being the teeth are thinner so you’ll get less resharpenings out of the blade. Thicker carbide on the “Industrial” line gives you more carbide to sharpen.
Why the @#$@ couldn’t they just say “Thin Teeth” or “Thick Teeth”. Oh well, onwards and upwards

Amazon sells me a USED Blade
Next on saw blade “trials of Job” (that would have been a better name lol) was that Amazon kept shipping used and damaged blades!
Note the wood dust in the photos.
Of course it can be returned, but its all time attention so is annoying. They should not have shipped a used blade.
You just can’t trust what you get from them …. I won’t be buying any underwear from Amazon!

Non OEM Packaging
So I start returning blades and the next four that arrive are missing the OEM packaging. Suspicious, I went over each tooth and sure enough, lots of chipped carbide. They were used, but weren’t properly package. How did this come about? Some find a dumpster of factory rejects and put them on Amazon? Each was listed as Sold by Amazon so that seems doubltful.
I never did get all “diablo” blades i wanted but by switching to “Industrial” and relentlessly returning the crap managed to get a nice assortment of new blades

I used a piece of 3/4 MDF as a parallel or space underneath the blade.
Boring out the Blades
The blades come with a 5/8″ hole so need to be bored out. The shaft measured 20.00mm the bore in an existing blade was (irrc)( 20.02. I shot for something in between

A Blake coaxial indicator was used to centre the blade. The are a slick devices, the graduations are in half a thou and in quick order I was able to centre it such that I got zero visible needle movement suggesting it has to be close to with a tenth or so of being perfectly on centre.
The material cut well with no issues. I was using a carbide insert bar but would guess it would work just as well with hss.